Heartbeat Petition Launches Today!

Heartbeat Petition Launches Today!

On July 3rd, 2019 the Michigan Heartbeat Coalition officially launched its Citizens Initiated Petition.  The petition commonly referred to as the “Heartbeat Bill” seeks to protect babies with beating hearts. 

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The simplicity of the bill is what many attribute to its viral success. “If a heartbeat is detected, the baby’s protected” is the common phrase first used by the bills originator, Janet Porter. 

With the launch of this petition drive, the Coalition plans to collect nearly 500,000 signatures to ensure that the threshold of 340,000 valid signatures is met.

Corey Shankleton, president of Michigan Heartbeat Coalition, said “The support and enthusiasm from the public has been overwhelming, this initiative was launched because of the public support in Michigan.” He continued “The Heartbeat Bill has really been a grassroots movement across the nation, introduced in over 25 states and passed in 9 at this point. People have grown weary of being told to simply wait, while we regulate abortion. We have the opportunity to end it and the Heartbeat Bill is crafted to be the means to that end!”

Want to get more involved? Join our team of 400+ volunteers.

The coalition has events scheduled across the state, with 11 being held next week alone. Shankleton said “We are extremely excited to be engaging in this petition drive on behalf of the most innocent of our society. I believe with this effort Michigan will play a significant role in sending Roe v Wade to the scrapheap of history.”  

Petitions have been distributed across the state and are available for pick-up.

No time to volunteer? Make a donation to support petition related expenses.