Why Life Matters – Michigan for Life Coalition
Abby Johnson Endorses Michigan Heartbeat Petition
Abby Johnson – The Supreme Court and Michigan the Heartbeat Bill
Abby Johnson – Explaining How the Heartbeat Bill in Michigan Works
Abby Johnson – Message to Michigan Prolife
Abby Johnson – Why the Catholic Church Should Support the Michigan Heartbeat Petition
Does the Heartbeat bill really have support? – MHC Q&A
What can Seniors do to help with the Heartbeat bill in Michigan? – MHC Q&A
What is the Motivation behind the Heartbeat bill in Michigan? – MHC Q&A
What do we do when the Governor vetos the Heartbeat bill?
How can we enforce the heartbeat bill and bypass the Governor and AG? – MHC Q&A
What is the importance of the prayer movement in regards to the heartbeat bill? – MHC Q&A
What do the courts think of the Heartbeat bill? – MHC Q&A
Will the Heartbeat Bill Impact Michigan's Pre-existing ban on Abortion? – MHC Q&A
MHC Introduction
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